Got NDIS Questions?
If you’ve got an NDIS question that’s not answered below, please get in contact with us by calling 07 3445 5733. We are happy to help you navigate through the NDIS processes.

NDIS Funding and Payment Questions
Can I manage my own NDIS funding?
Yes. You will receive funding annually to purchase services and support. You then have the option to self-manage and claim directly from the NDIS, or you can have some help to manage the plan and funding. If you do not want to engage someone to help you manage the plan, you are able to self-manage.
What do Support Coordinators do to help me manage my plan?
Support coordinators work closely with you to identify needs, personalise supports and make sure you are matched with the right services.
Support Coordinators will
- Identify services that meet your individual needs
- Coordinate service providers and support
- Liaise with government agencies
- Organise the manner and timing of supports, including service agreements and obtain quotes for services
- Source suitable accommodation and respite options
- Link you into work or other community activities
- Coordinate health and medical specialists
- Implement and monitor your NDIS plan or re-develop your goals prior to a plan review
Are NDIS services GST free?
NDIS payments to participants are GST-free if all of the following requirements are met:
1. The participant has an NDIS plan in effect
2. The supply is of reasonable and necessary support that are specified in the statement of supports in the participant’s NDIS plan
3. There is a written agreement with the NDIS participant
4. The supply is covered by one of the tables in the New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) (GST free Supply—National Disability Insurance Scheme Supports) Determination 2021
Are NDIS payments taxable?
If you are a participant, or a nominee of the participant, under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS):
- Payments you receive are tax free
- You can’t claim deductions for expenses or assets paid for by the scheme
- You may also have tax and super obligations in certain circumstances.
Can NDIS pay for medication?
The NDIS will not fund:
- Medication
- General medical and dental services and treatment
- Specialist services
- Hospital care
- Surgery and rehabilitation.
How is NDIS funded?
The NDIS is funded through a pooled approach from the Commonwealth and state and territory governments. The Commonwealth provides just over one-half of the funding for the NDIS and the remainder is provided from the state and territories.
How to claim NDIS?
You can make an NDIS claim through your self-managed budget in the NDIS mobile app. You are able to upload documents, like invoices and receipts, before submitting the claim.
What does NDIS not cover?
The NDIS will not cover things that are unrelated to your disability.
What does NDIS pay for?
The NDIS can help pay support funding for individuals based on their needs, including daily personal activities, transport and mobility (such as wheelchairs), access to work and education, household tasks, home and vehicle modifications and therapeutic support. NDIS can also pay for home and vehicle modifications for eligible participants.
What is NDIS funding?
The NDIS provides funding to eligible people based on their individual needs. Every NDIS participant has an individual plan that lists their goals and the funding they have received. NDIS participants use their funding to purchase supports and services that will help them pursue their goals.
Can NDIS help with housing?
In most cases, the NDIS does not provide funding for the participant’s housing costs such as rent.
Does NDIS pay for courses?
School and university fees are not covered by NDIS funding, nor are textbooks, or other curriculum-based items. However, if you require additional support in order to attend school or university, or to complete your studies, the NDIS will pay for these.
About The NDIS
Why is NDIS an insurance scheme?
The NDIS is a social insurance scheme, not a welfare system. The NDIS is based on the following insurance principles:
- The total annual funding base required by the NDIS is determined by an actuarial estimate of the reasonable and necessary support needs of the target population. The NDIS continually compares these estimates of utilisation and costs with actual experience and outcomes;
- The NDIS takes a lifetime approach (i.e. seeks to minimise support costs over a participant’s lifetime) by investing in people early to build their capacity to help them pursue their goals and aspirations resulting in greater outcomes later in life;
- The NDIS will invest in research and encourage innovation; and
- The NDIS has the ability to act at the systemic level, as well as fund individual support needs. This is especially important for people with disabilities who are not participants (see also information, linkages and capacity building).
NDIS vs my aged care
The purpose of the NDIS is to provide people who have a disability with greater choice, individualised support and the flexibility to manage these supports with the goal of living an ordinary life.
My Aged Care is a web site that is the main entry point to the aged care system in Australia.
My Aged Care aims to make it easier for older people, their families, and carers to access information on ageing and aged care, have their needs assessed, and be supported to find and access services.
What is NDIS Assistive Technology?
Assistive technologies (AT) are physical supports that help you:
- Do something more easily or safely
- Do something you otherwise cannot do because of your disability.
Contact NDIS
How do I contact NDIS?
You can contact the NDIS directly by:
phone: 1800 800 110
Is there an NDIS helpline?
You can contact the Helpline in the following ways:
• Phone (free call): 1800 643 787
• If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can also call the National Relay Service on 133 677.
The Helpline is available Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm (AEST). It’s not available on national public holidays.
Service Agreement and NDIS Plans Questions
What is an NDIS Plan?
Are NDIS Service Agreements legally binding?
Are NDIS Service Agreements compulsory?
Generally, no. A written service agreement is only needed if you require Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) support under the NDIS. However, you are not required to sign this agreement.
NDIS Providers and Support Workers
What is an NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
The Local Area Coordinator is often the first point of contact for people who have been approved to receive NDIS funding. Their role is to help you navigate the NDIS and includes offering support as well as coordination to help you find what services are available and maximise your control over them.
What is an NDIS Registered Provider?
What are NDIS working with children check requirements?
An organisation that undertakes or supervises ‘child-related work’ must ensure that employees and volunteers comply with the WWC Act.
What is the NDIS Clearance Check?
The NDIS Worker Screening Check is an assessment of whether a person who works, or seeks to work, with people with disability poses a risk to them. The assessment determines whether a person is cleared or excluded from working in certain roles with people with disability.
How NDIS Works
What is the NDIS?
What is the NDIA?
The NDIA can help you with information around how the NDIS can work for you, whether you or the person you care for is eligible for funding and how you can access that funding.
You can contact the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) directly on 1800 800 110.
However, for many participants accessing the NDIS, Local Area Coordinators will help you navigate the NDIS. Local Area Coordinators change depending on your location. For more information, visit the NDIS webpage.
What is the difference between NDIS and NDIA?
NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency) – manages the NDIS. Funded by the Department of Social Services, and appointed by the Australian government, the NDIA is responsible for administering all NDIS funding.
How does NDIS work?
How are NDIS plans managed?
There are three options to manage your NDIS funding – self-managed, plan-managed and NDIA-managed.
SELF-Managed Plans:
This is when you manage your own NDIS funding provided by the NDIA. You have the flexibility and choice to decide which supports you will buy to help you meet your goals.
In this option, the NDIA provides funding in your plan to pay for a Plan Manager who then pays your providers on your behalf, they keep track of the funds and your financial reporting.
NDIA-Managed Plans:
This is also referred to as being Agency-managed, it is when the NDIA manages your plan. While you are able to choose from a range of registered NDIS providers, you cannot use unregistered providers. The NDIA manages your book-keeping and spending records.
What is NDIS Support Coordination?
There are three levels of support coordination that can be included in your plan:
- Support Connection – This support helps build your ability to connect with informal, community and funded supports that enable you to get the most out of your plan and pursue your goals.
- Support Coordination – coordination of supports: This type of support will assist you in developing the skills you need to understand, implement and use your plan. A support coordinator will work with you to ensure a mix of supports are used to increase your capacity to maintain relationships, manage service delivery tasks, live more independently and be included in your community.
- Specialist Support Coordination – This is the highest level of support coordination. It is best suited to people whose situations are more complex and require specialist support. A specialist Support Coordinator will help you to manage challenges in your support environment and ensure consistent delivery of service.
When does NDIS support stop?
A person ceases to be a participant in the NDIS when:
- The person dies
- The person enters a residential care service on a permanent basis and this first occurs after the person turns 65 years of age.
What is NDIS behaviour support?
Are meals included in NDIS support?
If you are an eligible NDIS participant who is unable to prepare food or cook for yourself, it’s possible that the NDIS may cover meal preparation and delivery as part of your plan. This can include ready-made meals delivered to your home or someone coming to your home and preparing your meals there.
NDIS and Covid-19
Are NDIS support workers considered essential workers?
Disability support providers and workers are essential to the health and wellbeing of many people with intellectual or developmental disability. Providing health or social assistance meets the definition of an essential worker, therefore are considered essential workers in our response to Covid-19. This can include gardeners and cleaners, as these services are necessary if you’re unable to perform them yourself.
Are NDIS workers required to be vaccinated for Covid-19?
From 25 October 2021, any person who provides disability services must have at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. These workers must have had two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by 29 November 2021.
This includes people who:
- work in residential disability care
- provide in-home disability services
- provide disability day programs
- provide community-based disability support services
- any person providing services funded or provided by:
- the National Disability Insurance Scheme
- the Assisted School Travel Program.
Workers will need to provide proof of vaccination to their employer if requested.
You can see the latest advise about the NDIS and Coronavirus here >>
and here >>
NDIS Eligibility Questions
How do I know if I am eligible for NDIS funding?
Your eligibility to access the NDIS is determined by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The NDIA use the information provided by you or your loved one in your application to make this assessment.
According to the Access Checklist provided by the NDIA, to be eligible for the National Insurance Disability Scheme (NDIS), you must be:
- An Australian resident, Australian citizen or hold a Protected Special Category Visa
- Under 65 years old
- Live in an area where the NDIS is available
- Currently require support from people or equipment, or require supports now that will reduce your support needs in the future
For more information, please visit the Access Checklist on the NDIS webpage.
I’m over 65 years old, can I receive NDIS funding?
To access NDIS funding, you need to be less than 65 years when you first access the scheme. If you are over 65, you may be able to access other aged care supports, such as My Aged Care. For more information on My Aged Care, please visit their webpage.
Where is the NDIS currently available?
Who is eligible for NDIS?
Is NDIS available for mental health?
Not everyone who has a mental health condition will have a psychosocial disability, which is the term used to describe a disability that might arise from a mental health issue. It can be severe, long term and impact their ability to recover and live life independently.. People who do have psychosocial disability may qualify for the NDIS.
Is NDIS available to people with ADHD?
Is NDIS available to people with Autism?
Is NDIS for people over 65 years of age?
Is NDIS available for people with epilepsy?
Is NDIS available for people with diabetes?
Is exercise physiology included in NDIS support?
Get in Touch
If you are looking for a registered NDIS provider who delivers Logan disability support services by providing you Simply Better Care - contact us today.
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